Monday, March 03, 2025

New trustee selected for Community Library Network board

Staff Writer | November 22, 2024 1:00 AM

ATHOL — Only two Community Library Network trustee candidates were nominated Thursday to potentially replace former trustee Karen Campbell's open seat, Tony Ambrosetti and Michelle Lippert. Campbell stepped down from the board Oct. 22 after moving out of the CLN jurisdiction. 

Ambrosetti secured three trustee votes to secure the vacant seat for the remainder of the term through 2025 and was nominated by Trustee Tim Plass, who joined the meeting at Athol Public Library by videoconferencing.

Lippert was nominated by Trustee Vanessa Robinson, who stated this is the second time she has tried to nominate Lippert to the board, but previously experienced a technical glitch while making her nomination. 

During the nominations, Ambrosetti gave some of his background to the packed room, noting he served in the U.S. Navy, taught at North Idaho College as an adjunct Italian professor and that he wasn’t a pre-approved candidate from any political party. He quoted the Latin expression, “optimus magister bonus liber,” meaning “a good book is the best teacher.”  

Although Ambrosetti hasn’t previously served on a board before, he noted that he had experience with Robert's Rules of Order from fraternal organizations. 

Lippert frequently attends CLN board meetings and is a philosophy professor at NIC with a background working with students for 26 years in addition to serving on the Post Falls School Board. 

She stated after her nomination that she is advocating for the board to adopt a “more secular approach to governing” and that the makeup of trustees should reflect differences in opinion for all of North Idaho. 

“This community is more diverse than this board has a tendency to believe,” Lippert said, adding that includes more than just ethnic background, but also diversity of religious beliefs (or lack thereof) and political beliefs. 

While being asked about his experience dealing with heated opinions, Ambrosetti mentioned his experience as a club soccer referee.  

In the board discussion of the candidates, it was noted by trustees that both were educated and qualified for the position.  

Robinson explained that she felt a good portion of the community isn’t currently being represented by the board and that was her reasoning for nominating Lippert, believing she would “advocate for the library and the community that uses the library.” 

After the trustees voted to confirm Ambrosetti, several audience members, including Lippert, left the meeting. 

The CLN serves Post Falls, Hayden, Athol, Rathdrum, Harrison, Spirit Lake and Pinehurst.

The next CLN board meeting is 2 to 5:30 p.m. Dec. 19 at Post Falls Public Library.

    Community Library Network trustee candidate addresses the packed conference room in Athol Public Library.
    Tony Ambrosetti is sworn onto the Community Library Network board Thursday by Chair Rachelle Ottosen as Trustee Vanessa Robinson looks on.