Tuesday, October 08, 2024

LETTER: Hearn's criticisms of his opponent

| October 8, 2024 1:00 AM

I think people expect legal and ethical behavior from legislators and the voters of District 2 can be assured that they will get that from me when I am elected in November.  

Phil Hart does not live in Kellogg or in District 2 as required by the law. The house that he owns in Kellogg has been unoccupied and “under construction” according to an investigation and his neighbors, for years. He does not have an occupancy permit for this house. Phil Hart lives in an apartment at his business in Hayden. He has lived there since before he was elected to the Senate 2 years ago.

Phil Hart now claims that he has been living in an apartment behind his Kellogg house. Is he willing to go to Court and risk the possibility of a perjury charge and swear that he has been living in Kellogg for the last year? 

People need to remember that this is not the first time Phil Hart has been in trouble for unethical or illegal behavior. In 1996 he admitted that he stole timber off of school state endowment lands and blamed the trouble he got into on his campaign Facebook page on “bureaucrats” who he felt were out to get him. The house Phil Hart built with the stolen timber was then taken by the IRS for unpaid taxes. In 2018 Phil Hart was declared ineligible to run in the primary because he did not live in the District.

Phil Hart does not represent the needs of the voters in rural District 2. He represents the Idaho Freedom Foundation where he earned a 100% score from them. 

In just a partial review of his voting record Phil Hart voted against public schools and the Launch program for students who want to attend college or vocational training. He voted against the summer food program for children and was the only state senator during the last session to vote against a resolution condemning racism. He voted against mental health care, medical care and foster care by voting against the Health and Welfare budget. 

I’m willing to debate Phil Hart in front of a non-partisan group between now and election day. He should defend his voting record and his lack of residency in District 2. We should compare our backgrounds, policies, and stand on the issues affecting the rural areas.

The voters in District 2 need to know the truth about Phil Hart’s  residency and lousy voting record

Since Phil Hart apparently does not live in District 2, Secretary of State Phil McGrane needs to quickly investigate the serious residency concerns about Phil Hart.

If Phil McGrane will not act then the matter needs to go to Court. If it is true that Phil is once again violating the rules and law, he should be disqualified from running for reelection in District 2. 

Tom Hearn


P.O. Box 13

Harrison, Idaho 83833