Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Shoshone CP: Dale Hawkins, Republican Candidate – State Representative District 2 Seat B

| October 25, 2024 1:00 AM

I am a Conservative Christian, husband and father of six, my wife and I married in Nevada 38 years ago, where we lived. In 1996 we began looking for a community more in line with our desires for our growing family, homeschooling laws, political views, and quieter more peaceful lifestyle.

We settled in Fernwood, Idaho in April of 1998 after securing a job at Emerald Creek Garnet Mining Company. With our five kids and one on the way, we settled into our new Idaho life. During this time I also worked in the logging industry. In 2006 we went back to being self-employed and owned and operated HFP Construction until late 2016. I currently teach the Idaho enhanced concealed carry class; I am an NRA-certified instructor.

In 2008 I was elected to the local water/sewer board in Fernwood. In the four years there, I continually fought against unfunded mandates, even pushing back and defeating a 4.3 million dollar engineer-pushed project reducing it by three million dollars.

In 2014 I was elected Precinct Committeeman for the Benewah County Republican Central Committee (BCRCC), Santa Precinct. After 2 years, I was re-elected and elected Vice-Chair. I served 4 years as the Chairman, & I have continued to promote true Conservative Republican values and the Republican Party platform of Idaho. I have served as a delegate for the State Convention and I have served on the Resolutions Committee for the Party’s Winter and Summer Meetings.

In our republican form of government, it remains the duty of government to protect individual liberties. Government must operate within the bounds created by the governing documents at every level. From the simplest water district, all the way up to the governor of the state and the federal offices, each area of governance is limited to the boundaries given to it by law and these boundaries should never be crossed nor should they ever be consolidated to a centralized power. Governance should never be treated like we treat businesses. We should never have the desire to grow and expand it. We should be looking for the least intrusive manner to operate at the smallest costs and not to burden or intrude on those it serves. Governance should remain forever watchful against overreaching intrusion or unnecessary expansion, ever mindful of the individual liberties it was created to protect.

I am a proud member of The Idaho Freedom Caucus, Pro-Life, Pro Family, Pro-Business, Property Tax Relief. I have a proven conservative record. If re-elected, I will continue to fight for the people in Idaho District 2 and for the people of Idaho….Strengthen Gun Rights, Parental Rights, Strengthen Private Property Rights and Quality Education Choices. I consider it a true honor representing and serving the people of Legislative District 2, I would appreciate your vote once again.