Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Shoshone CP: David Hildebrand, Republican Candidate – Shoshone County Sheriff

| October 25, 2024 1:00 AM

I was born and raised in Oakland California. I left the city life in 1979 for the beautiful Sierra Mountains near Yosemite to raise my family. I was a self employed contractor and later became a Peace Officer for the Department of Corrections. I retired and bought a home in the Silver Valley with my loving wife. I believe God has watched over me and directed my path to this day. The prayers of family and friends have kept me safe and on track with an occasional detour. My desire is to be a servant to my community and keep them safe and free to live their lives the way the founding fathers hoped for as written in the constitution.

I believe in hard work, personal responsibility and the importance of caring for others and our community.  

A balanced budget and living within your means is how I endeavor to live. That's what it means to be fiscally conservative and the Sheriff's Office must do the same.  

Our Shoshone County Sheriff's Office needs to strive for greater transparency.

I vow to protect your freedoms, your rights under the constitution of the people, by the people and for the people.

I hope the residents of Shoshone County can put their trust in me and the Sheriff's Office. I will have an open door policy. Together we can make our county safer and drug free.