Wednesday, February 05, 2025

THE DIRT: Local Students Show Us How to Avoid Lead Exposure

| October 29, 2024 1:00 AM

Panhandle Health District’s Lead Health Intervention Program (LHIP) has recently completed the second year of its Lead Awareness Poster Contest. 

Each year, area third through fifth-grade students are asked to create posters demonstrating how to avoid lead exposure. These posters allow students to showcase what they learn each spring when PHD’s LHIP visits each area school to teach students how to avoid lead exposure through fun, interactive lessons.

This year Harrison Elementary, Pinehurst Elementary, and Silver Valley Christian Academy students submitted a total of 58 posters for consideration. The winners of this year’s contest include Roscoe Rauch, from Harrison Elementary, and Hyrum Creswell and Madison Johnson, both from Pinehurst Elementary. 

All students’ posters were proudly displayed in honor of Lead Poisoning Prevention Week October 20th – 26th. The posters will remain on display through November 8th to give the public a chance to admire the students’ hard work. 

Feel free to stop by PHD’s Kellogg office anytime Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 35 Wildcat Way in Kellogg, Idaho. 

Please contact PHD at 208-783-0707 for more information about this contest or to learn ways to avoid lead exposure in our area.

The Dirt is a series of informative articles focused on all aspects of cleanup efforts associated with the Bunker Hill Superfund Site. Our goal is to promote community awareness of contamination issues, to provide tools for protecting public health, and to keep the community informed of current and future cleanup projects. The Dirt is a group of committed and local experts from multiple agencies including the Basin Environmental Improvement Project Commission, Panhandle Health District, Shoshone County, Silver Valley Economic Development Committee, and the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality.

    The three winning posters from Panhandle Health's Lead Awareness Poster Contest.