Monday, March 03, 2025

Community Library Network lays off staff citing budget shortfall

Staff Writer | September 10, 2024 10:45 AM

The Community Library Network has laid off 13 part-time staff members.

Interim Director Lindsey Miller-Escarfuller confirmed today cuts are being made in an attempt to make up for some of the network's fiscal year 2025 budget deficit.

"We faced a 13% budget shortfall and had to determine a way forward," Miller-Escarfuller said in an email to The Press. "Part of the plan included reducing the hours the library is open and eliminating some positions."

Impacted library staff members are being notified. Their last day of employment with the library is expected to be Sept. 24.

"The decision to lay off staff was not easy and involved a great deal of planning and consideration," Miller-Escarfuller said. "We appreciate the contributions staff have made to the library and know they will be missed."

When asked about layoffs Monday, Community Library Network Board Chair Rachelle Ottosen said she had no information regarding the topic.

The board unanimously approved a $7.9 million budget in August, agreeing to accept a 1% tax increase allowed by law. In 2024, the board refused a tax increase and adopted a budget of $8.4 million.

New leadership is coming to the library network soon as Martin Walters will assume his role as library director Monday, Sept. 16. The previous library director, Alexa Eccles, resigned from the network in June after 13 months. Her departure was preceded by the resignation of another director, Amy Rodda, who left the district in November 2022.

The Community Library Network serves communities in Kootenai and Shoshone counties with libraries in Athol, Harrison, Hayden, Pinehurst, Post Falls, Rathdrum and Spirit Lake.

Read the full story in Wednesday's Press.