Saturday, December 28, 2024
Judge Burd Pott is the man with the white beard and cane in this 1888 photo. Mullan Old Timers that may be in the photo are: Willian Daxon, Howard Burns, Lon Headrick, JA Glowe, CC Earle, James Ingles, John Jutila, Elmer Elfers, Ed Lettrick, James Conner, Charles Fridstead, John Gaffney, Dan Murray, GW March, WY Clubb and Rory Mcleod.

Stories this photo appears in:

Pottsville and Shoshone Park: Part 1
March 10, 2022 12:06 p.m.

Pottsville and Shoshone Park: Part 1

Many people in North Idaho may not recognize the name Pottsville. Natives to the area, especially those from Mullan, still refer to Shoshone Park as Pottsville. But where was Pottsville?