Searching for opinion based articles? Below we'll share opinion news articles on a wide variety of topics.
OPINION: The party’s over, life goes on
Recently, I sent a note to editors and friends saying I was stepping aside from column writing and pursuing other …
Fulcher: Elect McCarthy, move on with business
Idaho Congressman Russ Fulcher is a member of the House Freedom Caucus, where some members of that group are standing in the way of Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s quest…
LETTER: Another Hero Passes
My respect for Ed Pommerening began back when he became a school board member, and attended all meetings fresh from his job, work clothes and all.
LETTER: In response to; Not Just a Shoshone County Issue
In response to; Not Just a Shoshone County Issue. We’re those people who moved to the area. I share the author's frustration over our increased property taxes but the real culprit is a flawed tax system.
SPECIAL TO THE NEWS-PRESS: More than a gymnasium
It is a great irony that while the midterm elections will be an important factor in determining the fate of our democracy, a grand and sacred war memorial, built in honor of the brave men and women who sacrificed…
MALLOY: When 'privacy' does not apply
According to the Idaho Capital Sun, Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson underwent surgery recently and will be out until after the new year. He gave his proxy to hi…
MALLOY: McGrane ready for tough new job
Here’s how a transition should work. A day after Phil McGrane was elected as Idaho’s secretary of state, he had a friendly lunch with retiring Secretary of St…
LETTER: Not just a Shoshone County issue
I'm writing this letter out of frustration like many property owners in Shoshone County. I received my tax bill in the mail and my first thought is you have to be kidding me.
A Miracle Gift
A holiday poem from Wallace's own CornBread Wallace.
MALLOY: Fulcher not ‘all in’ with Trump
Idaho Congressman Russ Fulcher, who like many Republicans is wondering what happened in this year’s mid-term elections, says one thing seems clear.
LETTER: Fix those pets!
Shoshone Humane Society(SHS) and local veterinary clinics are partnered to provide certificate discounts for small animal spay and neuters for residents of Shoshone County.
MALLOY: Critchfield sends message to school officials
You’d think that a candidate might want to take a short break after 18 months of campaigning and scoring a landslide victory on election night.
KUDOS: Big thanks to local do-gooders
Today, what could’ve been a dangerous explosion on a busy intersection, turned out to be many helping hands to clear the roadway in between the Dollar Tree and the road to Wal-Mart.
LETTER: Disappointment for local dems
Well, I can no longer say our Shoshone County's legislators are all democrats, which is the way it has been for some time.
LETTER: Re-elect John and Jay
During this election year, I, as a concerned citizen of Shoshone County, would like to urge every other citizen of Shoshone County to form your own opinion on the candidates running, based on merit and achievements…
Special to the News-Press: Save the Civic Auditorium
Growing up in Wallace I heard a lot of stories about the history of the town. And, thanks to the hard work and forethought of the people in power throughout its history we have been able to preserve the things tha…