Searching for opinion based articles? Below we'll share opinion news articles on a wide variety of topics.
OPINION: Harris gives Dems a needed wake-up call
What a difference a single decision can make in a presidential election.
This Independence Day, let’s unite for a thriving future
The celebration of Independence Day this year will be unlike any other.
For McGeachin, it’s all about that base
Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin is a heartbeat from being governor, and doesn’t mind mentioning that fact to anyone who will listen.
Sup’s corner
The final day of school in the Kellogg School District has come and gone and now our thoughts have turned to summer activities and returning to school in the …
Freedom group pins ‘liberal’ tag on Republicans
Sen. Mary Souza of Coeur d’Alene has been referred to in a variety of ways during her political life and time as a community activist. But it’s a safe bet that no one in the Lake City has accused her of being a “li…
House Republicans sue Pelosi over proxy voting
Imagine what the level of outrage would be if the conservative-based House Freedom Caucus – of which Idaho Congressman Russ Fulcher is a member – were to declare solidarity and seek proxy voting on floor issues to …
America grieves
The World Grieves because we have a President who wants to pit people against people, and countries against countries, dividing everyone up. Trump only associates with corrupt leaders of the world thinking this mak…
A lot to learn from spring, take advantage while it’s here
When you drop a turkey shell onto the ground and it goes thunk and you bend over to pick it up you have confirmed a wonderful thing:
Sup’s Corner
The 2020 graduation for everyone, everywhere, has been met with uncertainty and sadness. In the Kellogg School District we were faced with a set of guidelines …
Foreign policy looms large in Senate campaign
If you are a die-hard Republican who puts the word “greatness” in the same sentence with Donald Trump – as many within the GOP do – then you’ll probably appreciate how Idaho Sen. Jim Risch does business as chairman…
OP: Idaho’s economic rebound hinges on the safety and confidence of consumers and employees
As more and more businesses are opening their doors, many Idahoans have been eager to get out of the house and get back to work.
There’s only one way to describe today’s election: Historic
I’m writing to you from what we affectionately call the “Bunker.” The Bunker is the base from which, under normal circumstances, we coordinate the massive unde…
Time to clean-up the cemetery
Memorial Day is fast approaching, and the city is working hard to have Kellogg Greenwood Cemetery grounds cleaned up with leaf and debris removal, mowing and trimming.