Friday, July 26, 2024


Searching for opinion based articles? Below we'll share opinion news articles on a wide variety of topics.

Updated 4 weeks ago

Marty and Max: Fernan Lake - Passion, Persistence, and Community Spirit

Fernan Lake and its surrounding area offer a unique blend of country charm and urban convenience.

Updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Marty and Max: Q&A to avoid first-time home buyer catastrophes

Marty sits down with local lender Alisha Neff to discuss some of the pitfalls that first-time buyers routinely fall into.

Updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
BORDER SHENANIGANS: ‘Appalling and immoral’

I have just read in the Coeur d’Alene Press, Jan. 27, that Idaho’s Gov. Little is planning to send two teams of state troopers to the Texas border in the coming weeks. This to help secure the open border which he b…

Updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
OPINION: ‘Save us from ourselves,’ says Congress

Given the conservative nature of the Idaho Legislature, you’d think that a resolution calling for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution would sail th…

Updated 6 months ago
Marty and Max: Should it stay or should it go now?

In real estate, we commonly use the expression, “Don’t step over a dollar to pick up a dime.” This is commonly used when a buyer or seller becomes emotional ov…

Updated 6 months ago
OPINION: Calls grow louder for budget amendment

Loren Enns describes himself as “a normal average Joe” from Florida who has never run for public office with “zero” political experience and “zero” name recogn…

Updated 6 months, 2 weeks ago
Marty and Max: 2024 Real Estate Market - Boom or Bust?

Nationally we have higher inventory than last year with 546k single homes of the market. New listings are slightly higher than last year at this time and we ha…

Updated 6 months, 3 weeks ago
Marty and Max: Navigating real estate alone can be perilous, especially if something goes wrong

On my first flight as a licensed pilot, Mad Dog, a legend in aviation, guided me while holding the map open across the windshield obstructing his view. I brief…

Updated 6 months, 3 weeks ago
FALLACY or OPINION: Often the same thing

Two letters in The Press contained false statements I would like to emphasize. These are from the first letter: 1. Biden has devastated our economy. 2. Public schools are indoctrination camps. 3. Teaching our child…

Updated 6 months, 3 weeks ago
YOUTH SPORTS: And character development

There are 6.5 million youth sports coaches in the U.S. Many of these coaches will have lifelong positive influence on the young people they teach. It is important that along with teaching the fundamental skills of …

Updated 7 months, 1 week ago
OPINION: Risch, Fulcher split on Ukraine aid

Idaho Congressman Russ Fulcher is not one of the most sought-after talking heads for TV network news programs. Fulcher does not serve on a high-profile committ…

Updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Marty and Max: Drone safety

I have one of the most dangerous jobs in America. I am a professional drone pilot in Idaho. I am not with the FBI or the government, however, I have had more guns pointed in my direction than I can count.

Updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago
OPINION: Lawmaker: ‘Rational people’ need to step up in GOP

Bonneville County’s Republican Central Committee may have picked a fight against the wrong legislator.

Updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago
SPORTS OFFICIALS: Deserve respect, gratitude

All three of the schools in our wonderful community have excellent sports programs. All of the coaches, parents and players get a lot of recognition for their support and hard work, but the real heroes of every gam…

Updated 7 months, 3 weeks ago
Marty and Max: Rawhide real estate marketing

When preparing your home do it the rawhide way. Remember the old country song from many Western movies including City Slickers? It goes something like… “Rollin, Rollin Rollin, Keep those dogies rollin', Head 'em up…

Updated 7 months, 3 weeks ago
RICH and RICHER: Big difference between millionaires and billionaires

It has recently been pointed out to me by a physicist that many people do not realize the vast difference between a million and a billion. A million seconds is only 11.6 days. A billion seconds is 31.7 years. By hi…