Letters to the Editor
Want to read a letter to the editor of Shoshone News Press? See below to view their letters.
OPINION: GOP’s outrage is Trump’s gain
Idaho Republican Party Chairwoman Dorothy Moon is fired up, and for good reason. At least, that seems to be the co…
CULTURE SHIFT NEEDED: Back to conservative guidelines
Well, the inevitable result of our nationwide free-for-all mindset has happened here in our little Silver Valley. A family of four, dead and the shooter’s family left without a father. I don’t know all the details.
OLD RIVER ROAD: Needs attention from county
It’s great what the new county commissioners have come up with for parking on the river, and I agree with that, but it would be great if they would concentrate as much time to repairing the Old River Road.
GAS: Looks like price gouging
I’m curious why gas prices in the area jump 20 cents a gallon instead of a smaller increment like most locales. Of course I also wonder why the price of gas in Wallace and Kellogg as of June 11 is 60 cents a gallon…
Re-Elect Pinehurst Library board members
Our Pinehurst Library, one of the finest small libraries in the state, is part of the Kootenai/Shoshone Community Library Network.
Questions about the Cataldo Water District
What is going on?
LETTER: DUI punishments from around the world
If you think the drunk driving penalties in the U.S. are a little lenient, you’re right. Compared to the rest of the world, the U.S.’s DUI punishments are lenient.
LETTER: Another Hero Passes
My respect for Ed Pommerening began back when he became a school board member, and attended all meetings fresh from his job, work clothes and all.
LETTER: In response to; Not Just a Shoshone County Issue
In response to; Not Just a Shoshone County Issue. We’re those people who moved to the area. I share the author's frustration over our increased property taxes but the real culprit is a flawed tax system.
LETTER: Not just a Shoshone County issue
I'm writing this letter out of frustration like many property owners in Shoshone County. I received my tax bill in the mail and my first thought is you have to be kidding me.
LETTER: Fix those pets!
Shoshone Humane Society(SHS) and local veterinary clinics are partnered to provide certificate discounts for small animal spay and neuters for residents of Shoshone County.
LETTER: Disappointment for local dems
Well, I can no longer say our Shoshone County's legislators are all democrats, which is the way it has been for some time.
LETTER: Re-elect John and Jay
During this election year, I, as a concerned citizen of Shoshone County, would like to urge every other citizen of Shoshone County to form your own opinion on the candidates running, based on merit and achievements…
LETTER: Vote Smith for Coroner
I wish to encourage your vote for Mr. Rick Smith as Shoshone County Coroner.
LETTER: Vote Rick Smith
This is a letter of support for the county coroner.
LETTER: Fact vs. opinion
I would like to address some of the misinformation that Ron Wood stated in his letter to the News-Press (9/23/22) about the access to public land via West Fork Pine Creek Road.