Letters to the Editor
Want to read a letter to the editor of Shoshone News Press? See below to view their letters.
OPINION: GOP’s outrage is Trump’s gain
Idaho Republican Party Chairwoman Dorothy Moon is fired up, and for good reason. At least, that seems to be the co…
LETTER: Democracy or republic?
Let me first say that I do not belong to any political party. I believe they have both been infiltrated by the ones who want to take over America and make it the way they want it.
LETTER: More to the story
I am writing this letter in regard to the article written by staff reporter Josh McDonald about the BOCC Hearing regarding the validation of a section of West Fork Pine Creek Road.
LETTER: Plastic pollution must stop
Our environment is being threatened by plastic pollution. Studies predict that by 2050 plastics will account for about 20 percent of total oil consumption, up from about 8 percent today. It is predicted that by the…
LETTER: Finish Teeters Field!
While I would argue that Teeters Field is possibly the best venue in all of high school sports, it does need some TLC. A few years ago, the city and the school district were notified by the IHSAA (Idaho High Schoo…
How times have changed
Forty-eight years ago, on August 8th, 1974, Richard Nixon resigned the presidency.
LETTER: I Love Kellogg
I was born and raised in the Silver Valley and it will always be home to me. As our world goes through challenging times with the economy, hate, crime, or whatever personal challenges we face, it is nice when we wi…
LETTER: Just common sense
I see that Idaho's Republican Party has come up with the same official resolution that Texas did, totally accepting Trump's big lie that Biden is not the legitimate president.
River Danger
On July 16, our family of 9 adults experienced the danger mentioned in the CDA article about floating the North Fork of the CDA river.
Your town was the highlight of our month of driving
You don’t expect but deeply appreciate a town where people sit on the Main Street and engage you in conversation about your day and their lives.
Ms. Giddings owes the Speaker of the House an apology
just received an incredible letter from Priscilla Giddings.
You had me there!
The "April Fuhl's" article was too believe-able to be a joke!
LETTER: A great loss
I am saddened to hear of the passing of Larry Ross.
LETTER: Mysterious misinformation?
Hey Wallace… Once again we have the spread of “mysterious” misinformation. The SNP recently received a letter from Ron Niemi regarding the zoning of holding district lands in Wallace.
I watched Biden's State of the Union address.
Supporting proactive city measures
I grew up in Wallace and left after high school. I recently moved back after 33 years for its beautiful natural surroundings, tight-knit community and quirky, fun, small-town atmosphere.